Category Archives: Sarah Palin

False Portrait

Sarah Palin’s vanishing act after Saturday’s national tragedy in Tucson only reaffirmed her consistency at ineptitude. During a videotaped statement from a living room in hiding, Sarah said, “Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only … Continue reading

Posted in Giffords, Jared Lee Loughner, News, Obama, politics, Sarah Palin, violent rhetoric | Leave a comment

Violent America

Violence, or the threat thereof, simply has no place in a civilized society.   It is not an issue of left or right, it is not in the middle or outside the box.  America’s unflattering obsession with guns and violence has … Continue reading

Posted in Giffords, Jared Lee Loughner, politics, Sarah Palin, Tragedy, violent rhetoric | Leave a comment