Category Archives: Obama

The Birth of Hostage Politics

The American people voted in a Republican-led congress because they wanted centrism in their government, and they wanted jobs. Instead, what they got was trivial nonsense wrapped in the guise of fear until catastrophe loomed. And then what did they … Continue reading

Posted in Boehner, debt ceiling, Obama, politics, Tax deal | 1 Comment

The Wrong Celebration

September 11, 2001 was an infamous day for a myriad of reasons, the most notable of which was Osama bin Laden’s coordinated attack on the United States. The horrors of the day weren’t just attacks against Americans, but attacks against … Continue reading

Posted in Obama, politics | Leave a comment

False Portrait

Sarah Palin’s vanishing act after Saturday’s national tragedy in Tucson only reaffirmed her consistency at ineptitude. During a videotaped statement from a living room in hiding, Sarah said, “Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only … Continue reading

Posted in Giffords, Jared Lee Loughner, News, Obama, politics, Sarah Palin, violent rhetoric | Leave a comment

No Hope for Change

For a moment, consider the following statement: Barack Obama is not a liberal.  Two years ago, this would have been difficult to prove.  Today, the evidence is overwhelming in support of it.  President Barack Obama promised much in the way … Continue reading

Posted in Obama, politics, Tax deal | 1 Comment