Monthly Archives: June 2016

Copa America Semifinal: US vs Argentina

The criticism of Jurgen Klinsmann’s tenure as US manager is varied, but one of the more nagging ones is the inability for the US to advance further than the group stage in major tournaments. It’s not fair to pin that … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina, Copa America, Uncategorized, US Soccer, USMNT | Leave a comment

Copa America Preview: US vs. Ecuador

Raise your hand if you saw this coming (my hand isn’t raised). Before the Copa America started, I thought the United States had a fighting chance of finishing second in the group and advancing to the knockout stage to probably … Continue reading

Posted in Copa America, Ecuador, Uncategorized, US Soccer, USMNT | Leave a comment

Copa America Preview: US vs. Paraguay

The United States had their backs to the wall, and then they did what they most often do in that situation—they came back swinging. After a lackluster defeat to Colombia in the opening game of the Copa America, the US … Continue reading

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Copa America Preview: US vs. Costa Rica

Okay, so the game against Colombia didn’t exactly go as planned. It turned out to be a fairly comprehensive 2-0 beat-down that felt worse because the US didn’t create any good chances, and Colombia looked average through most of the … Continue reading

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Copa America Preview: US vs. Colombia

Alright. It’s time to learn some stuff about the Copa America, because it’s an amazing tournament, and it’s the most soccer-fun you’ll have outside the World Cup. Probably. Copa America is the oldest international soccer tournament. Yep, older than the … Continue reading

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